Lost and Found
Lost and Found will be cleaned out on Friday, March 28. Please check for missing items. All unclaimed items will be donated.
Pizza For PTO: Wed., Mar. 26
You may order pizza from PTO for your student’s lunch on Wednesday. Please email and let us know if your child would like cheese or pepperoni and how many slices they would like! Each slice is $3.
Please respond in this order:
Student’s Name
Type of pizza
# of slices (if more than one kind of pizza please indicate the # of slices)
Please note…For grades 6-12, we will have extra pizza on hand for the students to buy on the spot but it is super helpful to us if you pre order. You may include more than one student in your email. Please have your child or children bring cash or check (NCS PTO) on Wednesday at lunch. One student may bring the cash or check for all family members ordering. We hope this will be a blessing for the families and we appreciate you supporting PTO! Please respond by Tuesday, March 11 at noon.
K-12 Chapel and Arts Recognition: Fri., Mar. 28
Families are invited to join us this Friday at 9 am in the sanctuary where we will recognize our Lower School and Upper School Artists who have won awards in recent competitions. Afterwards, we will have our K-12 Chapel.
Field Day/Lunch on the Lawn: Fri., Apr. 11
This year, we are excited to combine two of our favorite school events into one day! Our spring Lunch on the Lawn and Field Day are both happening on Friday, April 11.
Field Day will take place for our lower and upper school students from 8:20 until 11:30 (see schedule below). At 11:30 dismissal, our preschool students will join us outside to eat lunch and fellowship with our families on the lawn behind the buildings. At the end of Lunch on the Lawn, we will announce which House won Field Day. Feel free to stick around and watch our inaugural Junior/Senior vs. Faculty/Staff kickball game that will begin at noon to finish off a fun packed morning!
Field Day Schedule (school day begins at normal time):
8:20-8:35 Meet in the GYM
8:35-9:50 Part ONE: Traditional Field Day Games
9:50-9:55 Meet in the GYM for Part 2 instructions
9:55-10:55 Part TWO: Various Competitions for Houses and Grammar School
11:00-11:25 TUG of WAR
11:30-12:00 LUNCH ON THE LAWN
12:00 FIELD DAY House Winner Announcement; Grammar School dismissal
12:00-12:35 KICKBALL Game: Juniors/Seniors vs. Faculty/Staff
Outdoor Movie Night Rescheduled: Mon., Apr. 14
Our “outdoor movie” is moving inside! We will gather in the gym on Monday, April 14, at 6 pm to enjoy watching Stuart Little! Everyone’s invited! Bring your favorite blanket or camp chair and we will set up inside just like we would have outside. Concessions will be available to purchase! See you then!
All-School Half Days: May 1-2
Be sure to mark your calendars for May 1 and 2, as the school will have half days on that Thursday and Friday. PreK-5th will dismiss at 11:30 and 6th-12th will dismiss at 12:00. 3rd-6th will have the CLT on Thursday May 1 and then 3rd-8th will have the CLT on Friday May 2. Moreover, our Spring Theatre Production of Anne of Green Gables will have performances on Thursday and Friday so we will dismiss early since a large part of our Upper School will need to prepare for their performances!
2025-2026 NCS Calendar
Click here to see the 2025-2026 NCS Calendar.
Jump to…
Preschool Chapel
This week we learned about the Breastplate of Righteousness. With the breastplate, God protects our heart and soul from Satan who tries to sneak in. If we try to do battle with Satan on our own, with our own righteousness, we will never win. We prayed for the Lord to help our hearts to be open to His word and guidance.
These songs will help to continue to help hide God’s truth on their hearts:
All School Lunch on the Lawn
On Friday, April 11, we will begin dismissal at 11:15 from the Preschool classrooms. That way you can come and get your preschooler, and then find a spot to enjoy lunch on the lawn.
Upcoming Dates
April 11 - Lunch on the Lawn (dismissal from classroom)
April 18 - Friday, April 25- Easter Break
May 1-2 - Dismissal from Grammar school line
May 20 - Preschool and Kindergarten Promotion Program at 6:30
May 21 - Last day of school
Nature Walk Field Trips
Our 3rd and 4th graders had a GREAT time on their nature walks Thursday and Friday! This week our kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 5th grade students will head outside to become observers of creation and its wonder!
Due to construction, the Rocky River Nature Conservancy is still closed. However, we are only 30 minutes from an amazing nature experience at Clemson’s Botanical Gardens (150 Discovery Ln, Clemson, SC 29634), so we are going to move our nature walks there. On the day your child’s class has their nature walk scheduled, we will plan to leave the school from the front parking lot at 9:30am (please arrive by 9:20am). Make sure you and your child are dressed in clothes appropriate for hiking. You will also need a lunch and water bottle, so we can picnic together once our nature walk is done. The plan is to be back at school by 1pm.
NOTE: If weather will not allow us to be outside, you will be notified by your classroom teacher.
K5…Monday, March 24, 2025
5th grade…Tuesday, March 25, 2025
1st grade…Wednesday, March 26, 2025
2nd grade…Thursday, March 27, 2025
"Investigation plays a major role in scientific thinking, and nature study is a great way to encourage that love of searching for answers. In nature study, the children can ask their own questions about what they see and then start on a quest for the answers to those questions. The parent and/or teacher may provide the answer or may simply point them in the right direction and challenge them to watch patiently and carefully for the answer to appear.
If you have a child who loves to dismantle the kitchen appliances just to see how they work, you can encourage him to carry that same inquisitive nature outdoors. Help him understand that we ask the same kinds of questions about things in nature that we ask about machines: How does the bird build her nest? How does she feed her babies? How does a seed grow? Why does a plant grow toward the window? Whether he is investigating an empty nest, a trail of animal tracks, or the location of the moon, his natural instinct to wonder and seek to understand can find a satisfying adventure in nature study."
Parents & Pastries: Tues., Apr. 8
Our next Parents & Pastries will be Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at 8:15am in the Library.
Narnia Day: Thurs., Apr. 10
Our 3rd-5th graders will participate in Narnia Day on April 10, 2025. This will be a half-day for 3rd-5th grade. Stay tuned for more details!
New Covenant Reads!
“If you have ever sat with a child warmly nestled on your lap, laughing and pointing to the book you hold together, you know what a pleasure reading is. We believe that reading aloud has its place not just in the bedtime armchair but also in the morning, in the classroom, at afternoon tea time, and beyond. Children of all ages benefit from hearing scripture, quality literature, plays, poetry, etc. read aloud, and Classical Christian teachers and parents capitalize on this rich educational tool. Not only does it provide content for narration, but it also accomplishes many important aspects of a robust Classical Education…and life. Even when reading a simple picture book, the two parties are sharing an experience. The teacher and parent are still in authority, but now they also share the students’ position as a recipient. Like watching a movie, all of the hearers experience the humor, tension, and love in the story. But a book is far better than a movie because the teacher and parent can interact with students while telling the story. They can see in the children what is engaging them or what is confusing them. They can pause for explanation or change their tone of voice to better capture the audience. The students get a tailor-made experience.”
Reading aloud is an invaluable habit that will benefit your children in more ways than can be measured. Even if it is for just a few minutes a day, you will look back over the course of their childhood and see how that little bit of time has created a storehouse in their souls of truth, goodness, and beauty from the stories you have shared.
If you’re ready to jump into a family read aloud, here’s your chance! Join other grammar school families as we read through The Psalms and Proverbs for the remainder of the year. Here is this week’s reading schedule:
Monday, March 24, 2025…Psalms 74-75
Tuesday, March 25, 2025…Psalms 76-78
Wednesday, March 26, 2025…Psalms 79-80
Thursday, March 27, 2025…Psalms 81-83
Friday, March 28, 2025…Psalms 84-85
For the remainder of the school year in Grammar School Chapel, we will continue to sing our monthly hymn, pray together, and recite the Nicene Creed. We are also reading Little Pilgrim’s Progress and joining Christian on his journey to the Celestial City. Parents are always WELCOME to attend chapel on Fridays in C108 from 8:15-8:45am.
March Hymn: O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
Important Dates
3/20-3/27…Grammar School Nature Walks
3/25…T-shirt Tuesday
3/28…All-school chapel k5-12th (9am)
4/4…2nd/3rd to the Martin Family Farm
4/4…5th grade to the Arts Center
4/9…5th grade to Roper Mountain Science Center
4/10…3rd-5th Narnia Day (half day for 3rd-5th only)
4/11…Field Day/Lunch on the Lawn (half day all school)
4/14…STUART LITTLE in the gym @6pm
4/16…kindergarten & 2nd grade-Ballyhoo Petting Zoo visits the school
4/17…All-school chapel (including PK and Schole)
4/18-4/27…Easter Break
4/29…T-shirt Tuesday
5/1-5/2…3rd-5th CLT testing (half day all school) *note date change
5/1-5/3…Anne of Green Gables Production
5/9…All-School Awards Chapel
5/9…Senior Thesis Night
5/15…1st grade to Roper Mountain Science Center
5/19-5/21…half days
5/20…Preschool/Kindergarten Promotion Program (half day)
5/21…Pk-5th grade Last Day of School (half day)
Family Fun Opportunities
July 22-24, 2025, The Logos Theatre will be presenting a one-woman show of the Charles Dickens’ classic, The Magic Fishbone, performed by Masters Student, Lydia Miller.
All is not well in the palace of King Watkins the First, but when the Princess Alicia receives a Magic Fishbone, the King (and his 18 other children) begin to realize that a magic fishbone may not be the answer for all of their many mishaps, and sometimes, wishing isn’t half so useful as doing.
Ticket information can be found at the link below…
Junior History Field Trip to Columbia, SC: Wed., Mar. 26
Our Juniors have the privilege of heading to Columbia, SC to tour the Statehouse and Supreme Court building. Our juniors study the Founding Documents in Modern History. This trip to Columbia helps bring to life and makes incarnate the concepts and ideas we've discussed on the state level.
Juniors need to dress appropriately (girls in dresses and guys in button up shirt, sports jacket, and nice pants) and meet at school at 5:25am in the parking lot. Breakfast and lunch will be provided at the Palmetto Club. We will return to NCS between 5:00pm - 5:30pm.
Talent Show: Thurs., Mar. 27
Upper School will have a Talent Show on Thursday, Mar. 27 at 7:00 pm in C108. Come on out and check out the talent around New Covenant Upper School.
Art Pottery Field Trip: Fri., Mar. 28
Our Upper School art students will be heading to a local pottery studio at the Arts Center on Friday, March 28, to throw some clay! Students will attend the Fine Arts Awards in the sanctuary that morning at 9:00 am and will head out around 9:45am.
Sophomore Biology Field Trip to Eremos Farm: Fri., Apr. 4
Our 10th grade Biology Class will be visiting Eremos Farm on Friday, April 4, to dissect and process chickens. Sophomores will leave school at 8:00 am and return around 1:00 pm. They will be eating a quick lunch on site. Please send a lunch and drink! Students should wear jeans or dress code bottoms, comfortable walking shoes, and NCS t-shirts. Our students will be able to bring home a whole organic chicken for your freezer, so students must bring a cooler to transport the chicken. The trip is covered in the activity fee and Mrs. Lamb and Mr. Arledge will chaperone and drive for this trip.
10th grade parents need to register each student for the trip. Please fill out the form in the following link:
Field Day: Fri., Apr. 11
Field Day will be on Friday, April 11, this year. Upper School students will combine with the Grammar School students for the first portion of Field Day competing in traditional field day games. For the second part of the morning, upper school will compete in various competitions, House vs House. Each House will manage their team members and sign them up for various competitions ahead of time. This Thursday, March 27, upper school students will meet with their House at lunch to sign up for Field Day competitions. Houses will meet in their normal lunch locations. After Field Day, we’ll join together for a whole-school Lunch on the Lawn. Field Day will finish up with our inaugural Junior/Senior vs. Faculty/Staff Kickball Game at noon! Just a reminder this Field Day is a half day for students with the festivities ending for our upper schoolers at 12:30.
Prom (8th-12th Grade): Sat., Apr. 12
This year’s prom will be at McFall’s Landing on Saturday, April 12, from 7-10 pm. Cost is $25 and tickets will be available in the school office starting on March 24.
Anne of Green Gables: May 1-3
Be sure to mark your calendars for our Spring Theatre Production hosted by Anderson University at their Student Center Theatre. Students have been working hard every day after school in preparation for this year's performance. Shows will be on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. A huge thanks to Mrs. Holmberg, our director! Be on the lookout for tickets sales soon!
6th - 8th CLT Testing: Fri., May 2
Our 6th - 8th grade students will be taking the Classical Learning Test (CLT) on Friday May 2. Mr. Barton will be sending out an email soon with details regarding what’s expected for this test. This will be a half-day (dismissal at 12:00) for these students after they finish the CLT.
Half-Days: May 1-2
We will have half-days on Thursday, May 1, and Friday, May 2. With our Spring Theatre Production on Thursday and Friday night, and most of our upper school students involved, we will be dismissing early at 12:00 for them to prepare on both days. Moreover, 6th-8th grade will be taking the CLT on Friday, May 2, and dismiss afterwards. CLICK HERE to see the schedule for these days.
One Day House Camp at Look Up Lodge: Mon., May 5
We are excited to announce a one day spring "House Camp" for our 6th - 12th grade classes on Monday, May 5th. We will leave NCS at 7:45am and return by 4:00 pm. Please complete one form per student who is attending using THIS LINK.
If you are a Schole student participating in our House System, the cost for this trip is $22. (Make checks payable to NCS.)
March Treasure: The Lord is My Help
“You are my servant, I have chosen you and not cast you off; fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:9b-10
Scholé Family Kickball: Sat., Mar. 29
Mark your Calendars for Scholé Family Kickball on Saturday, March 29, from 4:00-5:30 pm at Watson Park. A game for all ages and all athletic abilities! Moms/grandmas and boys vs. Dads/grandpas and girls. It is not a requirement to play, but we’d love for as many who are willing to participate.
Evening in Narnia: Mon., Mar. 31
All 3rd-5th grade students are invited to the Thames Home for an evening in Narnia of games, dinner, and a movie! Drop off at 5:30 and pick up at 9:00.
A Night at Museum Scholé: Mon., Apr. 7 at 6:30 pm
Please join us as our 6th-8th graders present faces and places of history at our wax museum. All family and friends are invited