Presenting Every Student Complete in Christ

“We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ” (Colossians 1:28).

New Covenant School is a Christian institution of foundational learning assisting parents in the Biblical discipline and training of their children. Recognizing that all knowledge comes from God alone, we are committed to integrating His truth revealed in Scripture into every aspect of the school providing a rigorous, quality academic program training children to think Biblically about every area of life.

New Covenant School partners with Christian parents and the local church to help fulfill the call to make Christ-like disciples of God’s children. Jesus taught that “Everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher” (Luke 6:40). At NCS we combine rigorous academics and lots of fun in an atmosphere of joy, respect, and order to inspire a life-long love of learning in every child. Our curriculum and instruction are designed to teach children in the way God has made them to learn following a Biblical pattern, are built on a foundation of Biblical truth, and strive to equip students to think critically, reason Biblically, and live gloriously.

THINK CRITICALLY: We help students master the tools of life-long learning. We use Biblical-Classical pedagogy as the foundation of our curriculum because the Trivium’s classical pattern for learning (the Grammar, Dialectic, and Rhetoric stages of learning) parallels God’s Biblical pattern for learning (knowledge, understanding, and wisdom). We know this tested and proven educational model equips students to excel as learners and leaders wherever God may lead them upon graduation. We consider it a great privilege to make this future-shaping investment in the lives of our students.

REASON BIBLICALLY: For living beings created by God and living in a world created by God there is neither truth or knowledge apart from knowing Him. Studying God’s world should logically reveal the glory of the Creator. Therefore, at NCS, the truth of God’s Word is foundational to all areas of academic and co-curricular life. The Lord commands us to study and teach His word to His children at every opportunity. The Scriptures are the revelation of God, His truth and wisdom, and our final authority for matters of life and faith. Graduates will be able to integrate, articulate, communicate, and defend their faith with wisdom and eloquence as they become effective disciples and leaders in their generation.

LIVE GLORIOUSLY: We believe the chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. The God-glorifying life can be a clear reflection of His glory to a very needy world. NCS is helping our graduates to be set apart and available to God for His holy purposes and culture transforming work. Academic life at NCS is supplemented by rich and growing co-curricular arts, athletics, and service programs featuring music, art, practical computer technology, chess, Student Council, field trips, cross country, basketball, community service projects, and much more.

As NCS partners with families and local churches to present every student complete in Christ, we believe that with God’s grace we are helping our students become maturing Christian disciples. Our proven academic program and character-building co-curricular activities help students mature in the Christian faith, reflect Christ-like character, and become culture-shaping learners and leaders that are well prepared for success in college, university, and beyond.


Portrait of a New Covenant School Graduate

At New Covenant School, by the means of God’s grace, we cultivate churchmen and churchwomen with Christ-like virtue, wisdom, balance, knowledge, and eloquence.


Classical, Christian, Covenantal

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Culture matters! Our school culture is different from typical public schools. Our classical, Christian, and covenantal culture sets us apart from most other Christian schools. We’ve purposely chosen to study and apply the time tested methodology and content of the Trivium of classical learning (grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric) because it reflects and reinforces the Biblical pattern of learning (knowledge, understanding, and wisdom). As a Christian school, we make a priority of seeking and revealing God’s truth in everything we study as we immerse ourselves in His word while we are exploring His world. We hold ourselves, faculty, staff, students, and families accountable to each other and to God because we are in a covenantal relationship with each other in discipling and teaching our students. We also partner with ACCS, the Association of Classical and Christian Schools in order to keep ourselves accountable and growing academically and spiritually.

Just how does our unique culture make a difference in the lives of our students? According to the results of a "Life Outcomes Study" conducted through the University of Notre Dame, there is a definite, measurable difference in graduates from classical and Christian schools like ours. This 2018-2019 study compared alumni (ages 24-42) from public, secular private, Catholic, evangelical Christian, religious home schools, and ACCS (classical Christian) schools, on topics of life-choices, preparation, attitudes, values, opinions, and practices. The research confirms what history has repeatedly demonstrated—classical Christian education  influences the course of a home, a community, and a nation. See for yourself with a look at this short “Classical Difference” video…

Once you’ve watched the video, click on the “Learn More About Life Outcomes Research” button below and view the many charts, graphs, and results that plainly show just how effective and future-shaping our unique classical, Christian, and covenantal culture works! With God’s help and in partnership with local churches and families, we ARE producing some very special graduates as we strive to present every student complete in Christ!


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Prospective parents and students are invited to request a tour by emailing us. Once you arrive on campus you will find out about academics, arts, athletics, traditions, and what we call the NCS classical difference. Find out why our students are thriving in our joyful, Christ-centered environment!


Acknowledging Christ

Acknowledging Christ as the personal designer of each person and creator of all things, as the redeemer and the only mediator of people fallen into sin, as the touchstone of all truth and sovereign over every area of life, New Covenant School strives to appropriate the mind of Christ as the perspective from which we characterize and respond to reality, and train covenant children toward their completion in Him. In making such a biblically grounded frame of reference explicit and operative, we are committed to academic excellence, responsibly striving corporately and personally to accomplish the following general objectives:

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Train each student to see all of creation as the handiwork of God and to study it with wonder and respect.

  1. Train each student to acknowledge his or her own fallen nature along with the rest of creation, responding with the view that renewal begins with Christ’s redemption, by seeking to bring every thought and act into obedience to Him.

  2. Train each student to develop the discipline of learning as a continuous process and vocation, receiving many valuable insights into the structure of reality provided by God through thinkers in every age, and seeking to interpret and re-form such insights according to the Scriptures.

  3. Train each student to think scripturally about culture so as to glorify God through reclaiming and redirecting the creation of the service of God and human advancement.

  4. Offer each student opportunities to discover and give expression to their potential in every facet of their redeemed humanness.

  5. Facilitate the development of each student’s personal goals, priorities, and practices that foster spiritual, emotional, social, physical, and intellectual effectiveness and well-being.

To assure that students make sufficient progress towards maturity to the objectives above, New Covenant School is committed to acquiring highly qualified and gifted faculty members fully committed to achieving the above aims as well as modeling them in their lives.