The Covenant Fund is our Annual Fund, which raises critical dollars to support our mission above and beyond that which tuition covers. The Covenant Fund primarily supports the following areas:

  • People: Professional development, expanded faculty & staff benefits, tuition assistance fund, etc.

  • Programs: Fine arts, athletics, House System, etc.

  • Premises: Maintenance and upgrades, technology, beautification projects, security enhancements, classroom upgrades, etc.

When you support New Covenant through the Covenant Fund, you are partnering with us to fulfill our mission of cultivating students with Christ-like wisdom and virtue. Thank you!

Partner with us to fulfill our mission!

You are building the next generation of churchmen and churchwomen.

Eliza Mattox ‘23

A New Covenant education has a lasting impact…

A good way into college, I can’t help but acknowledge the significant foundation and advantage New Covenant has given me. It is a comparatively rigorous education and is modeled on quite a well-tested, classical tradition. However, my years at New Covenant did something more for me than prepare me for entering college and the workforce, give me the right, Christian answers, or even shield me from pagan, cultural influences – it led me to a personal encounter with the Lord of all things. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; God formed everything by himself and for himself; Scripture is the ultimate authority for all learning; God’s way is the only one that leads to life – each year my teachers and our studies pressed those truths upon my heart more and more until they were inescapable. We weren’t forced to choose it or to believe it or to love it – that never works. But I thank God that my parents sent me to a school where all these things were asserted. And I could not have received a more sure footing – for college or career, for relationships, for life.

What’s our goal?

We have two!

Goal #1


Our monetary goal is always determined by “the gap” – the difference between true cost to run the school and tuition revenue.

This year that gap is $125,000.

Goal #2

100% Participation!

Each year, every board member, employee, and family will be asked to prayerfully consider joining us in support of our mission through the Covenant Fund. The goal will always be the same…100% participation for each constituent group.

Remember…it’s not equal gifts but equal sacrifice!

Boost your House to victory!

We’re planning to have a little fun this year! The house with the most gifts allocated to their house team – not the highest amount raised – will win…

  • 3 dress down days

  • A pizza party for the entire house

Note: Each family's total giving will be counted as one gift, whether it's given in a single lump sum or across multiple transactions.