Congrats and Blessings to the Class of 2022

On Friday evening we celebrated the achievements of the outstanding graduates of the class of 2022. In worship, reflections, awards, and prayers we were reminded of the Lord’s abundant blessings in the lives of our graduates and their families as well as in the daily life of New Covenant School. Our Head-of-School Joe Canney reminded us of our mission and acknowledged that this years’ graduates were a sterling reflection of our goal to present every student complete in Christ. Valedictorian Aidan Graves thanked his classmates for coming together as a family during their years here at NCS and he admonished them to stay the course and stay in touch in the years to come. New Covenant Church youth leader Austin Webb echoed the description of this group of graduates as being like a family and he encouraged them to continue to practice the spiritual disciplines that will keep them growing in the Lord and making a difference in for Him in the years ahead. This special celebration was a blessing to parents, faculty, staff and especially our graduates and it was an important part of our effort to raise up and send out Biblically reasoning, Christ reflecting, and culture reforming disciples into the world.

Some highlights…


See the entire Graduation Celebration here…

New Covenant School