Welcome New Athletic Director and Phys Ed Teacher Rebecca Fyock


Rebecca Fyock is finishing up her 19th year of teaching Physical Education and coaching basketball and volleyball. She graduated from Anderson University with a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education. During her time at Anderson U, she attended New Covenant Church, RUF with John Boyte, and college Bible studies with Alisa Lamb and Marie Wright!

During her career, she has had the opportunity to coach and teach PE at three different schools. She says, “Looking back, I can see how the Lord prepared and sharpened me at each school for the next opportunity. I have had the privilege to coach both volleyball and basketball teams of all levels at my various jobs.” Three years ago, God moved Miss Fyock from a twelve-year job in Albany, Georgia back to South Carolina so she could be closer to her family. In that move, God stretched her even further by providing a job as not only PE teacher/coach, but as the athletic director for her new school. In her three years as athletic director, she helped start a volleyball program while also overseeing and raising funds to support and expand existing teams and programs.

In her free time, Miss Fyock enjoys spending time with her new puppy, Brissie. She also enjoys hanging out with family and friends, reading, playing sports, and cooking. During the last two years, she was able to coach club volleyball during the off-season. Coach Rebecca says, “I love the gift of athletics! I believe that it is an avenue to teach Biblical and life lessons like hard work and faithfulness.”

New Covenant School