Welcome New Librarian, Mrs. Morel!

Sophie Morel has been a part of the Anderson area for three years now. She graduated from Anderson University in 2023 with a Bachelors in History. She has been volunteering in preschool, childrens, and youth ministry for 10 years, and it is there that she cultivated a passion for pouring out truth and love on students. 

Sophie has always had her nose in a book; it often became a problem. In elementary school, Sophie's mother had to establish a "no reading at the table" rule. There were also multiple incidents involving bruises and poles on the walk home from school. She spent much of her childhood and youth in her school and public libraries, and the books within their walls made the library a magical place to explore. Sophie is excited to join New Covenant's team as the School Librarian to pass on a love for reading, knowledge, and truth in younger generations. 

Sophie got married in January of 2023, and lives in Anderson with her husband. She attends Church of the Ascension in Anderson. Sophie is still an avid reader, but also enjoys movies and art. She can frequently be spotted at the Anderson Amstar, or found exploring a new town's art or history museum. 

New Covenant School