Head of School End of Summer Update


New School-Wide Additions Part of Another Amazing Year at

New Covenant School

The end of July is almost upon us and August is just around the corner. That can only mean one thing…it is almost time for college football! Well, yes that is true, but it is also almost time to start another school year. It is interesting to note that our lives revolve around the school calendar in many ways. Summer vacations, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter breaks, etc… These events on the calendar establish the rhythm to our lives. 

The end of July and the beginning of August means it is time for back to school shopping, last beach trips, and earlier bedtimes. For New Covenant School it means it is time for room prep and in-service training. I am excited for our staff to get back together the week of August 8th and begin our formal training to get ready for another great school year. We have a great five to seven days planned as we continue to seek to honor the Lord as a classical Christian school.

I am also excited for our families to get back together for Back to School Night on August 15th at 6:30. Back to School night is a great way to kick off the school year as it is designed to be a night of connecting with new families and reconnecting with returning families. We will have a brief time in the sanctuary as students get to know their teacher. Our meeting on Monday night is essential because we have a few new additions to the school that we will be announcing and explaining. You will want to be there as our additions will impact the entire school. I look forward to seeing everyone in a few weeks!  

New Covenant School