Preschool Preparing for a Playful and Productive School Year


“Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil” (Ephesians 6:11).

The 2021/22 school year is here!! In Preschool we are thrilled for a new school year! We are mostly excited about seeing our returning students and meeting the new students. Within this school year many memories will be made, lots of love will be shared and there will be lots of things we learn. Most importantly, we will be committed to our school’s mission and doing our part to “present our students complete in Christ.” Will our students and parents be able to see the love of Christ each day in the classrooms? Will our students grow into lifelong learners who love discovering God’s world? Will our students grow in wisdom, stature and favor with God and man (Luke 2:52)? It is our prayer that all of these things happen! Where Christ is at work, Satan also tries to work. This year for our Preschool chapel theme we will be learning about the Armor of God (Ephesians 6). So we will be learning how to stand firm against the schemes of the Devil (Eph. 6:11). 


In our K4 classes we are starting a new curriculum this year; we will be using the Footsteps to Fours curriculum by Bob Jones University Press. We are excited to see how this improves our program and better prepares our students for Kindergarten. BJU curriculum is used in our Grammar School, so we think this will be a helpful stepping stone for our students. This will be our second year of using the Playing Preschool curriculum by Busy Toddler along with The Jesus StoryBook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones and My ABC Bible Verses: Hiding God's Word in Little Hearts by Susan Hunt for our K2 and K3 classes. We were all very pleased with the curriculum last year. It really helps our students to learn through discovery, which is an essential part for preschool. While our curriculum is very helpful, one of our main goals in preschool is to teach our students how to be students. For example, how to walk in a line, how to be respectful in the classroom, how to pray, how to wash their hands, how to obey, etc. While learning the routines, there are lots of fun things happening that help our students to grow in their love for learning.


Our teachers have been busy planning and preparing for their new students. We are very thankful for their hard work!! If you haven’t heard yet, our newest staff member is our 5-day K3 teacher, Miss Annaleigh Cutliff. You can learn more about Miss Cutliff here. We are looking forward to a new year and all God has in store for us!

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