Head of School August Update


New School Year About to Kick-Off!

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August is here and school is about ready to start! This has been our busiest summer as we added additional space. It has been stressful at times because when adding space, a lot of things are out of our control. However, we have been persistent, diligent, and probably a bit annoying to the companies as we kept reminding them about the work that needed to be done. 😁  Everything is just about wrapped up so we are excited and thankful to our Lord as we have seen him answer prayer after prayer as we get ready for this year.

We will be kicking the school year off with a Back to School celebration. The goal of this evening every year is to provide a fun evening of fellowship for our faculty and families. This year will be a little different as our students have some time with their teachers to get prepared for the school year that is about to begin while I meet with parents to give my annual State of the School address. We have decided to not have our teachers address the content they cover or any classroom procedures on Back to School night. The reason is that it is not a good setting to do so. Parents and students often want to catch up after a summer away and there is a general electricity in the air as everyone gets ready for school to resume. Thus we have decided to add a Curriculum Night on August 30th at 6:30 PM. This will be a parents only night in which they can come into the classroom and hear the goals and objectives for each grade level for the school year. This will greatly enhance our partnership with parents.

I ask for your prayers for a great school year as we continue to seek to honor the Lord by “presenting our students compete in Christ”. Blessings! 

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