Head of School July Update


What’s it Like at New Covenant School During Summer Break?

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Education has a unique structure. Every year there is a ‘shut down’ and we send all the students home. Most students return. Some do not. Most teachers return. Some do not. Summer provides us with the chance to re-evaluate what we do as a school and whether we are achieving our mission or if we are drifting. It gives us the chance to reacquaint ourselves with the vision of classical Christian education and cast a vision for the upcoming school year. 

I appreciate this unique structure because the summer allows me to look at the big picture of New Covenant School, where we are, and where we are going. This summer has been no exception and I am excited to share some updates. 

In late June I had the privilege of attending the Society for Classical Learning’s (SCL) annual conference in Charleston. The SCL is one of two classical Christian associations we are members of. The other is the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS). I have been to the ACCS’s conference numerous times, but this was my first SCL conference. It is a blessing to see how classical Christian education is growing and maturing across the nation. I am already connected with Heads of Schools and administrators across the country. I can now add Hawaii to that list. That is right, I connected and exchanged information with a principal who is at cCe school in Hawaii! The SCL conference greatly enriched my view of classical Christian education and the virtue formation of our students. 

In between ongoing interviews with prospective families and students, we have been working hard this summer to make some curriculum updates and purchase needed materials. I have been encouraged to see how our curriculum is shaping up. A big part of my summer has been making sure our new space is ready to go. Everything is coming together and my hope at this point is that the building will be ready by the end of July. We are on schedule! 

My attention now is on our School Board retreat, scheduled for July 23rd and 24th and then faculty inservice which starts August 11th! Be sure to mark your calendar for our Back to School Night on August 16th. We look forward to seeing everyone in August. Here at NCS we’re having a very productive summer break, and we pray you and your family are enjoying a great summer break too!

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