Summer Fun From the Art Room!


Yesterday, I took my second child to college orientation. However, I vividly remember the “we’re bored” years of their early childhood. Those days could be rough. I have created a printable art related activity and an incentive for completion that I hope will help as summer plugs along.

Summer Art Chart!

How many can you find?

Take a walk outside and chart what you see!

You may need a parent, big brother or sister, a sitter etc. to help. 

BUT here’s the fun part!

If you email a picture of you and your chart complete,

I’ll “snail mail” you a special treat! (Look at that rhyme!)

Please have your parents etc. email me at

AND include your snail mail mail address so I can send something to you! 

Deadline is July 31st! 

Extra credit: use the nature in your backyard to make art! I’d love for you to email a picture of you and your final project! 

I hope you are having a great summer!


Mrs. Wright

Summer Art Chart.jpeg
New Covenant School