Preschool Update


Preschool Students Learning that

“Those Who Read, Lead!”

You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. Deuteronomy 6:7

You shall therefore love the Lord your God, and always keep His charge, His statutes, His ordinances, and His commandments. Deuteronomy 11:1

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How do our students know God’s law? They need to hear about it from us, their parents and teachers,  and one day they need to be able to READ it! In preschool, we want to lay the groundwork for pre-reading to help get our students closer to reading their Bibles. Each student learns at a different pace, but eventually they all learn to read. And our biggest desire is for our students to be able to read God’s Word. In His word we read His laws, therefore, they are able to know what His law is and to love God through obedience of the law. Weeks like NCS R.E.A.D Across America (Really, Enjoy And Discover) are so valuable in helping our students grow in their love of reading!! A phrase we say in our home is “Those who read, lead!” At NCS, we pray our students will be great leaders!

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When we read Deuteronomy, we also see over and over how God is reminding the Israelites to remember. The leaders of the Israelites would often make an altar of stones so when the children would ask about them, the older generations would share with them how God brought them out of Egypt and into the land flowing with milk and honey and all the other ways God constantly took care of them. At this point in 2021, we have reached the one year mark of the corona-virus hitting our area and everything shutting down. Haven't we seen God take care of us and bless us beyond measure in this last year?!? Let’s use this anniversary to reflect and remember ALL that God has done for us, our families, our school, our community and so much more! May the work of the Lord regularly be on our lips as we go, come, rise up and sit down!

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This is the time of year where we are really able to push our students to bigger and harder things. We are not far off from the end of the school year so these last months are used to solidify everything we have taught and to really prepare them for the next school year. Our K3 students get the biggest smile on their faces when we tell them we see them doing things that a K4 student would do =). We are never trying to make our students fit into a certain mold, but we are always pushing them to do their best work for the Lord!

At the end of February, we had a special visit from Dr. Ron Scoyners. He is a dentist here in town, a NCS dad, and Chairman of the NCS School Board. He did a wonderful job in teaching us how to take care of the teeth God has given us. It was especially fun watching him brush the teeth of his alligator friend! In mid-March we have another special visitor, Mrs. Deb Potter. She and her husband own a sheep farm and she is going to teach us about yarn making. It will be a really fun time!

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New Covenant School