Theatre Season Arrives with The Matchmaker


New Covenant School has recently wrapped up another successful basketball season with both the girls and boys varsity teams achieving 2nd place finishes at the SCACS state tournament in Columbia behind the leadership of coaches Joe Canney and Patrick Miller, respectively.

That means it’s now Theatre Season! Honestly, this is what we’ve been waiting for all year (and then some, thanks ‘Rona). This year the talented students of NCS (and a couple of talentless parents who need to get REAL jobs) will be bringing to life Thornton Wilder’s The Matchmaker.

What is a matchmaker? I’m glad you asked! A matchmaker is a person, organization, or a computer algorithm (not to be confused with Al Gore Rhythm) that makes…you guessed it…matches! Set in the early 1880’s, The Matchmaker follows the adventures of a wealthy merchant in Yonkers, NY who decides to enlist the help of a matchmaker to find a new wife. This matchmaker then finds herself entangled with two of his employees and a couple of ladies they run into on their quest for excitement in the big city. Pudding! 

No less than the Wall Street Journal called The Matchmaker “one of the sweetest and smartest romantic farces ever written.” Ah, young lads trying to catch the eyes of a young lasses…reminds me of 8th grade prom. It wouldn’t have killed Jill to dance with me….and I even had the Michael Jackson jacket, too! She’s probably still kicking herself over that one. Maybe that’s why she became a pharmacist so she’d have ready access to the drugs to numb the pain of regret…

NCS has had stellar theatrical productions over the years and I have no doubt that this year’s Matchmaker will be no exception. You don’t want to share in Jill’s long standing regret, so put this on your calendar. Now. And grab a neighbor or three, because they’ll love it, too!

Dirk Graves

New Covenant School