
My name is Kaitlin Curnow. I started attending New Covenant School as a part-time student in seventh-grade. Then in ninth grade, my parents decided that I should take the next step in my education and become a full-time student. Since then I have fallen in love with New Covenant School.

This school is like no other in its ability to teach, love, and serve. Academically, New Covenant School has challenged me to think and reason for myself, defend my ideals, and to be diligent. I know these attributes will help me, not only for college, but for life. New Covenant School teaches wonderful classes, but it stands out mainly in its community. Nowhere else have I found such a loving and welcoming atmosphere. I know that I can sit anywhere in the cafeteria, whether that is with middle scholars or high scholars, and have a great time. The staff at New Covenant have encouraged me, excelled my education, and have been true role models on how to serve. The highlights of my time at New Covenant include playing Julia Simmons in the production of “A Murder is Announced”, being a part of the Sisterhood that won a state basketball championship, being in Mr. Canney’s omnibus class, and going to the House Retreat. [1] 

After graduation, I plan to attend Clemson University and major in political science. I know that my education at New Covenant school has equipped me for college and whatever challenges it might bring. I will miss the amazing community and sisterhood that I have had at New Covenant School, but I know that I will never forget the love and lessons that they have shown me.

New Covenant School