Preschool News


And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)

Christmas is all about Jesus! He came and dwelt among us, lived a sinless life and defeated death on the cross so we can spend eternity with Him! WOW! The greatest gift we can give to our students is teaching them these truths that will be with them forever! Sin has caused the world to make Christmas into many other things, so may we continue in teaching the truth of Christmas to our students. At NCS, we are praying you use the many opportunities around you to teach and show your children the true meaning of Christmas this season.

Another great gift is to have a school where every day we are always all about Jesus! Yes, Christmas really helps us to remember Jesus coming as fully God and fully man, but ultimately, we need to live in such a way that shows much gratitude for what Jesus has done and continues to do for us daily. Are we daily reminding our students and each other of the AMAZING work Jesus has done for us? Are we seeing how we need a Savior constantly to do the work He has called us to? In preschool, this looks like trusting Jesus for strength to obey with a joyful heart, to sit with self-control, to share our toys with our friends; all of these things cannot happen without God giving our students a new heart.

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It is truly our desire to “present our students complete in Christ” (Col 1:28). Do we speak of the Lord and His commandments when we first rise in the morning, when we walk through the day, and when we sit during the day? Deuteronomy 6:7 tells us, “You shall teach them [the commandments] diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.” Together here at school and home, may it be our 2020 goal to regularly talk with our students about things of the Lord. Our personal relationship with the Lord must be strong and fresh so it is easy to speak of the Lord and His commandments regularly. In our preschool, we are not trying to make “good” boys and girls. We are seeking heart transformation. As we diligently read the Bible and speak of the Lord with our students, and as we help them see the ways God uses His truth to show them that they are sinners in need of a Savior, we are igniting a desire in their hearts to live for the Lord all of their days.


In the classrooms, our teachers continue to do a wonderful job in teaching our students letters and sounds, numbers and counting, fine and gross motor skills and much, much more. All of the academic parts of our preschool are valuable in training our students how to be a student, which is what God has called them to be for the next 18 years. In our K4 classes some of the students are starting to work on reading some words, which is exciting because that means they are much closer to being able to read God’s word on their own. Much of our classroom time is also spent on learning loving and respectful behavior. The classroom setting is a great place for our students to learn how to raise their hand, share toys, obey right away, sit still for long amounts of time, and many other daily tasks. We love the opportunities we have in joining our families in the teaching and training of their children!

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