Players Promise Another Strong Men's Basketball Season


Our Men’s’ Basketball team is excited about the start of their fifth season of competition. The Cavaliers have experienced some amazing success, having won three state championships in their short history. This season they will have to overcome the loss of three graduates and they welcome two new players to the team. Our varsity team will be competing with 10 players instead of the usual 12-14 players.

We recently sat down with seniors Gabe Miller and Elliott Wright as they shared reflections and expectations for the upcoming season. They began with great praise for their Head Coach Patrick Miller, Assistant Coach Reese Miller, and JV Coach Dave Truman. Gabe said, “I appreciate how our coaches push us to be our best, whether coaching basketball or teaching us about life.” Elliott added, “They are committed, loyal and supportive even when we struggle, always seeing the best in us, pushing us to live up to our potential and through lessons that might not be learned in a classroom.” The boys agreed they were blessed to have coaches committed to helping them to become better basketball players and even more, to grow up into good Christian young men.


Gabe and Elliott are excited about this new season as they have been playing together with the same players since their JV days. Elliott mentioned that he has watched many middle school, freshman, and sophomore players develop into great varsity players over these few years. The fact that the team must rely on only 10 players means they have been working harder and are better conditioned and faster than ever. He believes the team has a better understanding and mastery of the coaches offensive and defensive schemes. Gabe says this is important because the league is more balanced this year. Both players report that their talented teammates demonstrate diligence and a strong work ethic, and they promise that we will see continued improvement. They believe these qualities can lead them to another championship season.


Elliott mentioned that supporting one another motivates the team to give their best effort in practice while no one else is watching, but they are especially encouraged to give their best effort to represent Christ and New Covenant School when the stands are full of cheering Cavalier fans like you and me!

New Covenant School