From Our Headmaster


The holiday season is upon us and it is a wonderful time to spend with family and friends. As we gathered around our dining room table for our Thanksgiving meal, we each took a moment to share what we are thankful for. I shared with my family that I am most thankful for the unity that we have in Christ. As Christians we can gather around the table in fellowship with each other because we have a unity that only Christ provides.


As I think about that reality for my family, I also want to acknowledge how it impacts our school. As a school community it is important for us to recognize that what gives us our true community is the unity we have in Christ. We have common values and morals in how we raise our children along with how we do life. We can no longer take that for granted in our culture at large. In thinking about my childhood, I see that culturally we were much more united in what we believed to be right and wrong, moral and immoral, than we do today. A generation ago we were much more of a Christian nation than we are today. So, one of the things that I am most thankful for is the common sense of purpose and service we have as the New Covenant School community. It does not mean that everything is perfect here. Of course not. But rather when things go wrong, we have the Gospel and the Holy Spirit working in us and through us to help us work through our difficulties and our struggles.

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Many of you have shared with me how blessed you are to be a part of this school community and a large reason why is because of the fellowship and the unity that we have. It is important to identify that that unity is from Christ and from Christ alone. This does not make us isolated from the world. Rather we are passing the faith onto the next generation to impact the culture so that we can regain the cultural unity we once had. This is no small task, but we are not alone. The Lord is for us. And the Christmas season reminds us that the Lord loves to tell stories about His people facing seemingly insurmountable odds, but yet still conquering. So, let this be a Merry Christmas indeed for all God’s people and especially those represented here at New Covenant School!

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