Art Students of the Month, November and December


November is all about new faces. Our upper school Art Student of the Month for November is Luke Simpson. New Covenant School is blessed to have not just one new Simpson boy— there are three! However, this is all about Luke, a freshman who has clearly spent much time drawing. He has a style all his own and says he likes to focus on things that show movement. He has also developed skill in subjects that are geometric and industrial. Luke’s featured artwork is a cross-section of a car from a past era. Most students could not begin to explain the inner workings of a car from any era, but Luke seems to have it down. As a fan of Top Gear (British version only, of course) he may have picked up a thing or two from the show. Mrs. Wright also enjoys the British humor of Top Gear, but she still knows nothing about cars.

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Our lower school Art Student of the Month for November is Sofie Jordan. Sofie, who is also new to our school, is a fourth grader and a delight to have in art class. She never fails to have a smile on her face! She is helpful and obedient. She is diligent as she works and takes care to consider the details of her artwork. Her chameleon is a lot like her, bringing color to every room she enters.

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Congrats to Luke and Sofie!

Keep up the great work!!


The upper school Art Student of the Month for December is Erin Dance. In a word Erin’s artwork is impeccable. As a sophomore she has further developed a style that she has spent much time working towards. She thrives in watercolor mixed with ink lettering. Lettering is difficult, and no student (at least in the past five years) has captured it. However, when it comes to lettering, Erin’s is as close to mastery as New Covenant School may have ever seen. In the spring Erin will be the first student in New Covenant School history to Letter in art! Her beautiful featured pieces clearly affirm that she has earned this special recognition.

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The lower school Art Student of the Month for December is Ada Sharpe. Ada is fresh face (and part of another triple blessing to New Covenant School- all girls for this family). This is her first year at New Covenant School, and she is in fourth grade. She comes to art class ready to learn and with a desire to create a project of which she can be proud. She notices her mistakes and seeks out help to correct them. In her chameleon she remarked that the eye was not what she wanted and asked for help to make it look just as she imagined. When it comes to chameleons, eyes are quite important! Ada made sure her chameleon was complete with an eye that pops with a gradient of orange.

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Congrats to Erin and Ada!

Keep making history!!

New Covenant School