Meet Ethan Simpson


The New Covenant School classical and Christian difference is best illustrated in the words of our seniors. Here is one of our current senior stories…


My name is Ethan Simpson. From a young age, I was home-schooled. Yes that was great and all, but eventually I needed more from where I did my schooling.  I wanted to have more community involvement and friendships which aren't as easy to come by when doing school from home. My parents decided to send me to New Covenant School in my junior year of high school and I can definitely say I have genuinely enjoyed my time spent here. I have learned a lot of important life lessons and have grown a significant amount spiritually in the short two years I have spent here. 

Everyone, faculty and students included, were very kind and outgoing to me and loved having me around. My adjustment to the school environment was much easier than I expected it to be and I felt right at home within a few weeks. The schoolwork here is rich and challenging at the same time, which makes me enjoy the work. I have been well prepared for college and the spiritual battles I will most likely face moving on with professors who have differing beliefs from mine, and all the issues that can arise from that. In rhetoric class I have been taught how to argue persuasively, how to spot flaws in other people's arguments, and how to correct them, politely of course, when need be. The people of the school try to implement Christ into everything that we do, making obvious the hand of God working in and through our lives. I am blessed to have been able to spend so much time with my class during the two years I spent here, and to see God's work in their lives. 

After graduation, I plan on going to Tri-County Technical College to take all of the prerequisites that I would need to take at any college I attend in the future. I am not 100% sure what career path I am going to take but I am trusting in the Lord, and I know that He has a path for me to follow and He will guide my steps. I am thankful for everything that New Covenant School has done for me and how much they have taught me, to prepare me for the rest of my life. I want to say thank you to all of my teachers and especially Mr. Canney for always being there for me and doing everything in your power to make this school happen. I don't know how you do it all. Thank you.

New Covenant School