From the Art Room


Oil Pastels

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During our fall service day we were blessed to have New Covenant School parent Tatyana Difort as one of our Thames House Volunteers. Tatyana is mom to Isabelle (5th grade) and Noah (6th grade). When she’s not driving her kids to school or basketball (all the way from Georgia!) you might find her at Starr Taylors using her master seamstress skills. While working with her during our service day I learned that she also knows a lot about oil pastels. Her artwork is stunning. I was even more impressed when she told me she’d only started experimenting with oil pastels during our time in quarantine. I asked if she’d be willing to teach a lesson to our sixth grade and high school art classes. She graciously agreed, and we were so thankful. She explained the value of buying high quality pastels and paper in order to achieve the right blending. The pastels she brought blended like butter on the page. The student grade versions I had always used are stiff, break easily, and definitely don’t blend. 

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As you can see, the students’ results speak for themselves, and I am excited about using these quality art supplies in future lessons. I encourage you to take a look at Tatyana’s work on her Instagram account, and if you need any prom dresses or suits altered before prom, go see her at Starr Taylors on Main Street in downtown Anderson. 

New Covenant School