Faculty Update - Lower School Lead Teacher

Lamb_Alisa71New Covenant is pleased to announce that Mrs. Alisa Lamb, our current third grade teacher, has been promoted to Lead Teacher for our Lower School. In addition to teaching third grade, Mrs Lamb will assume a leadership role in our school by seeking to...

  • Effectively and regularly communicate to the Headmaster and/or the Administrative Assistant student progress or struggles, along with classroom activities.
  • Maintain a clean, organized, inviting and attractive Lower School facility.
  • Help to plan and coordinate activities and field trips for the Lower School which includes back to school orientation, holiday programs, K5 graduation, etc.
  • Be willing to add or help to add programs or activities that will increase the value of NCS and preschool.
  • Examine current curriculum and help evaluate possible new curriculum.
  • Provide development opportunities for the Lower School staff.
  • Assist in raising funds for New Covenant School and Preschool.
  • Work closely with New Covenant Church in how to best share the Lower School classrooms with the Sunday school rooms.

Please join us in welcoming Mrs. Lamb to the administrative team at New Covenant School!